Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Alamo Toy Soldiers

Here are a few pics of our new Alamo toy soldiers.

 The first toy soldier is a New Orleans Grey and the last two are Alabama Red Rovers. Our customers really seem to like the Alamo figures so we are currently working on adding more to our selection. Our next addition is probably going to be some Alamo artillery toy soldiers. Let us know if there is anything you would like to see. These soldiers can be purchased at:

Monday, July 11, 2011

Painting Toy Soldiers: What Paint Should I Use?

A question often asked by our customers when they receive their first toy soldier kit, is what paint they should use. Many toy soldier painters swear by expensive acrylic or enamel model paints. Some favorites among painters include Testors, Humbrol, and Vajello. While many artists swear by these brands, one can achieve great results using cheap acrylic craft paint. This paint can be found at craft or hobby stores. Using these craft paints allows one to purchase a large selection of colors without burning a hole in their pocket. When using craft paints it is very important to "seal" the figure with a good finish so that the paint does not chip off.

The paint a toy soldier painter uses is very much a personal preference. I recommend purchasing a few different brands and trying them all out to find out which one suites you best. Just don't be afraid to give the cheap paint a try.
To purchase a toy soldier kit of your own to paint, visit our website We carry a large selection of unpainted toy soldier castings for you to finish.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Achieving the Glossy Toy Soldier Look without Breaking the Bank

In order to achieve the high glossy look, many painters use expensive enamel paints such as Testors or Humbrol. One oz. of enamel costs around $8, while an oz. of regular acrylic paint costs around $1-$2. Enamel paints also have a limited selection of colors compared to acrylics. In addition to the limited selection of enamel colors, it can be difficult to achieve a uniform surface appearance with them. Enamels must be painted in even coats or the surface will appear uneven.  

In order to achieve the glossy look without using enamels one could use regular acrylics with a gloss coat finish. This finish will allow the painter to control the amount of gloss that the figure has. It will also add a protective layer to the figure that will help prevent chipping and other wear.  In addition to the protection the finish provides, it also makes it easier to achieve a uniform surface appearance.

A painter has many options when it comes to gloss finishes. One can spray or paint on the finish depending on their preference. Here at Boo’s Little Metal Men we prefer to use the spray method. We find that the spray method gives us the greatest control over how glossy our men look. We aslo find that this method has the least risk of forming drips. Our brand of choice is Decco Art’s Triple ThickKrylon also sells a gloss finish called triple thick. We find that Decco Art’s provides a slightly glossier finish than Krylon. However, the Krylon triple thick is less expensive.  If one does not like the high gloss finish that these “triple thick” glosses provide there are other glosses that provide a less glossy finish. 

The other method for applying a gloss finish is the paint on method. Decco Art Sells a paintable version of their Triple Thick finish.  Some painters use Future Floor Wax to coat their soldiers. We have found that for us, the painting method is prone to drips and brush marks. Therefore we prefer the spray method. If the brushing method is used one must be sure to apply thin even coats, otherwise the figure might develop drips or clumps.

To see examples of our Glossy soldiers visit our webstite